Seeing good ol' Mego post a blog made me think of mine, and how I have been ultra neglecting it. I should start posting again, so I will, but who knows how long it will last.

So it's 2011 now...yesterday would have been my grammas 76th birthday. Also, in 7 days it will be the 2 year anniversary of her death =( It doesnt seem like it's been that long. It sucks.

I had a split in my thumb nail so i had to clip it, and decided for funsies to clip and file both thumbnails into points lol.

Christmas was good...I got everything I wanted. My SodaStream, giftcards, Halloween 5 poster and soundtrack. A print of a painting by my favorite artist Rene Magritte, new shoes, discs for my old camera, new work bowl for my food processor because my other one broke, a pillow pet...penguin, snow globe, singamajigs...uhh im sure theres more but i cant think of what.

I am SOOO ready for it to be warm again, but we have soooo long until it is. It doesnt start to get WARM here till about May. Sure, we'll have a few stray days where it gets to be in hte upper 60's-70's but it doesnt get consistently warm unti May...blegh. I would love if it was 70 right READY. Anyhoo thats all thats on my mind right now


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