Break ya' back bitch

So I woke up sunday morning and my back pain was back. Like the kind I had last fall, but this pain was comparable to the pain of when i was almost healed...if that makes sense. Last fall for a couple of days I could hardly hurt SOOOOO bad...i couldnt walk or nothin. This time it just hurts to walk and sit certain ways, but it feels like its almost gone thank GODDDD. So Don decided he wanted to go on a diet and try to lose some weight, but he only wants to eat grilled chicken and like lettuce and stuff...i could make him good healthy versions of food, but he wants to go to the XTREME...hopefully he'll be able to choke down lettuce and celery. Lettuce doesnt really taste so im sure he'll be ok.
I cut all my nails off the other day because they were all different lengths from breaking and filing. Here are some pictures from before i hacked them from the past month or so.


Lately i've had a thing for Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos

But NOT as himself...oh no!...only Hugh Jackman as WOLVERINE!
Wolverine Pictures, Images and Photos
Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos


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