Clive Hockstatter

Don is sick, with what I think may be the flu. He is throwing up, has chills, feels like he has a fever, and is achey. He was miserable all day...around 8 he finally ate a little bit and was able to keep it down, and has been sleeping for a few hours. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug. Sucky thing is....i'm next. Thats how it goes. It sucks that he had to get sick now, right before basketball which he was looking forward to =(

Hüsker is sitting here looking at me...wanting food no doubt...he takes after his mama lol. The vet said that we should start measuring out his food and feeind him 1/4c. twice daily. Well I started doing that, and no shit...he would meow almost constantly out of hunger...all the time, day and night SCREAMING for food. Me and Don decided yesterday that he would go back to his normal food schedule which is a little less than 1/2c. twice daily. He isnt a normal sized cat...he's in very tall with big paws...he needs his food.

I got some clip in feather extensions yesterday. I was going to get some beads and a hook tool so i could apply my own and whatnot, but Sarah at Sally's told me that Regis is doing them now, so I went there to see what they had to offer, and they did bonded ones OR clip ins, so the nice lady laid all of them out for me so i could look through them, and I ended up going with a clip in one that is made up of 3 yellow and black grizzly feathers and a bright blue's super cute. I also made my own out of 2 brownish feathers and a clip. I think I want a couple more, but they're kind of expensive. It's $18 for a bonded one, and $13 for a short clip in and $20 for a long clip in. There is this girl on etsy who does AWESOME colour combos, and I really want one of hers, but they will be too long and she doesnt do clip ins. I had originally intended to get them bonded in anyways, but i kinda like the idea of clip in so I can interchange them depending on my makeup/clothing. Maybe i'll go back to Regis and look again for more.

I'm kinda houngry for meatloaf or french toast or something. I did not eat good today...I had a sammich and cheetos, some spoonfuls of the homemade butterscotch i made the other day, a fruit cup, and some noodles and broth...and chocolate covered strawberries...blegh just thinking about all that junk grosses me out.

I'm so jealous of KC tomorrow...they're gonna get 76 degrees...its only supposed to get up to 43 tomorrow here. The 10 day forecast only has a high of 45 on it...I wanna see some mid 50's at the very least. I want it to be warm so I can go take some pics with my old camera. Don bought me the correct discs for it for Christmas, and now it's like a whole new camera because it behaves the way its supposed to, so Mandi, we will have to think up a couple of photo shoots or something when it gets warmer!

Ok i think thats about all that is in my brain for now.


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